It's no longer a secret that Richie Fontana has Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a neurological disorder. But, from 1985 through 1993, before his symptoms became visible, Richie had to be very closed-mouthed about the whole thing. While persuing a recording career of his own, striving to once again become a commodity, he didn't want record companies or management to see him as a bad risk - so, it was hush hush.
Today, in the year 2018, with the most up to date medication and use of a walking cane, Richie continues to write and record his music, as well as pitching his material to various other artists, publishers, and producers. So, life goes on.
Note: With new medications, we are now able to slow, if not stop the progression of MS. Research has taken great strides in recent times, and the ability to reverse disabilities caused by MS, may not be as far off as originally thought!